Sarah Eddy
Sarah Eddy
About the Maker
Born and raised in Cornwall, Sarah relocated to Brighton as a teenager where she embarked upon a career as a performer, which included touring around the world for 18 years, as one of the original founding performers of the international hit show Stomp. Working with a range of professional actors and musicians, Sarah enjoyed an eclectic mix of stage, TV and film performances, where she used her love of physical comedy. She took a three year degree and qualified as an Alexander Technique teacher and taught at a Drama school in Brighton and after almost thirty years away from her beloved Cornwall, returned home to be with her family. Painting fast became a new creative outlet, her experimental use of oils and use of colour saw an emerging aesthetic that uniquely captures both the look and feel of the Cornish land- and seascapes that she so adores. Continually honing her technical understanding of the movement of oil paint and how colour dries through a combination of formal study and free painting, Sarah has completely immersed herself in the process.
“I am absolutely in love with the process of making a picture,” Sarah explains. “I try to portray my emotions of energy from the Cornish landscape while conveying the sense of place and magic of my surrounds.”
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